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# of Pockets
Bore Size
Hook Angle
- Moore Profiles - Homepage>
Our heads are made of steel, not aluminum, for maximum strength and durability.
We machine to very close tolerances to ensure that they fit your machine precisely
and make mouldings that are as smooth as possible.
To select the right head for your application, follow these three simple steps:
1. Find the correct size for your machine.
. For most shapers, select by spindle diameter and maximum spindle length under the nut.
. For moulders, consult your owner's manual for recommended cutting diameters.
2. Click on this link "recommended cutting angles" to determine which hook angle you need.
. As a rule of thumb, harder woods cut best with lower cutting angles, while softer woods
cut best with higher cutting angles. For shops that cut a variety of wood species, the dual
hook angle heads may be a good solution. For the same price as a standard 4 pocket head,
you can get 2 pockets for hard woods and 2 pockets for soft woods.
3. Click this link "recommended knife marks per inch" to find out how many knife pockets you will need.
. Tooling costs can be kept to a minimum by using the lowest number of knives needed
for your application. For example, log siding can have a lower finish quality than furniture parts.